Thursday 31 October 2013

The Safety and Aesthetic Benefits of Using Custom Wall Plates

So, you've just bought a brand new home entertainment system which you're ready to show off to your jealous friends and family. Or maybe you're in the process of setting up an office space. But those cables and wires running across the floor are not only a potential trip hazard; they're also ruining the aesthetic look of your system. In a working environment, protruding cables can make your office appear unprofessional and disorganised, potentially repelling any customers or clientele. But also, from a safety point of view, any accidents that are caused by tripping over trailing wires are not good news, either for the employee or the employer. If you had invested in a home entertainment system however and all you could focus on was the mass of cables protruding from the back, you would be extremely frustrated that your investment was being viewed in this way. From a safety perspective, it could also be extremely dangerous for any children who may trip, or even your pets, who may start chewing on any protruding cables! You need something to both hide the cables away but also, keep yourself and others safe. Well look no further. With custom wall plates available at many retail technology stores, you can sort the problem out in no time. Wall plates are small, thin, square-like plates that are quick and easy to install. Their size and appearance mean that the plates will not distract people from the main aspects of your home system or office space; it also means that by hiding them behind something, they can even be forgotten about. They work by allowing you to streamline and run your system's cables through a wall so that they do not protrude and cause any fuss. The materials from which the wall plates can be made include brushed finish stainless or tough PVC and from using them, you will benefit in various ways. For instance, not only do they keep you safe and are easier on the eye than a tangled mess of wires but also, they come in various shapes and sizes. There's so much choice that there's no doubt you will the one suited for you. Custom wall plates can come in a choice of socket combinations and can be a single or a double gang plate. They can work together with many connections and just a few examples of these include SVGA for computers and projectors, HDMI, USB A, USB B, 3.5mm, RCA Phonos (for audio and video), TOSlink, serial, F-Type (satellite) and TV aerials. Custom wall plates are not limited to being used in office space or home entertainment systems either. It has been known for wall plates to be used in classrooms, where students and teachers can then easily use items such as projectors, speakers and televisions without any of the hassle. Obviously, with young children running about the place, safety becomes more important than ever and any trailing wires become a real danger. To help reduce this chance of the danger becoming a reality and simultaneously keep the classroom looking tidy, invest in custom wall plates. By investing in custom wall plates, you really will be finding the solution to your dangerous and messy cable dilemma without the hassle of any complicated installation issues. Once this is done, just sit back, relax and enjoy!
Euronetwork is a UK manufacturer with over 20 years of experience in cabling requirements. They specialize in supplying various cables, wall plates, HDMI products, audio visual cables and converter plugs. If your cables are causing you problems, contact Euronetwork today to see what solutions they can offer you. Custom wall plates solutions

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