Saturday 28 September 2013

Computer Suddenly Running Slow? A Trick to Boost the Speed of Any PC in Seconds

One of the most frustrating problems for computer users nowadays is the way in which many PCs can actually run slower overnight. This is a problem which can affect even the newest computers and is affecting millions of people around the World every day. Fortunately, there's a trick to fix this problem for good. The reason why your computer has suddenly started to run slowly is nothing to do with the hardware you have or the programs you've installed. It's all down to the 'settings' inside your PC and the number of them which are corrupted and damaged. Unfortunately, the speed of your Windows PC is directly affected by the number of settings it has that are readable, and your PC has suddenly started to run slow because many of its settings have just become corrupted and damaged. Windows works like a librarian - every time you want to do something, it has to look through 1,000's of settings to bring up all the details that you have for your PC. These settings are all stored inside a database called the "registry", which is basically the central nervous system of your computer. The registry is being used every time you use your computer & is responsible for storing everything from your latest emails to your desktop wallpaper. However, Windows depends so much on the registry that any damaged settings inside it can make it run extremely slowly and with errors. The reason why your computer is now running slowly is because windows has accidentally corrupted or damaged some of the settings inside this registry database, which in turn makes it extremely difficult for your computer to read them. The problem with most slow computers is that Windows often opens so many settings at once that it gets confused and saves many wrongly, making the settings corrupt and damaged. This makes your PC unable to read the settings it needs, slowing it down. Windows saves many registry settings wrongly each time you use your computer... and it's started to run slowly because it's corrupted a very important setting that it needs to read. The trick to fixing your computer and making it run faster again is to make sure all the settings on your computer are in order. To do this, you should use a 'registry cleaner' tool which will scan through the registry database and remove any of the damaged or corrupted files that are inside there. These tools are widely used on the Internet to help Windows computers to run faster. They can be very effective, but only if you get one which can find and fix the largest number of corrupt settings.
You can make your PC run faster by using a 'registry cleaner' to fix all the damaged settings that are inside it. You can Click Here to make your PC faster in seconds.

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