Friday 8 March 2013

Email Continuity May Just Save Your Business

Email continuity is primarily known as a service that allows you to have a continued email service when your primary email server goes down. You might think that there is no need for this because most email service providers guarantee an uptime of up to 99.9% and that there is only a.1% that a server downtime will happen. But what will you do if it actually happens? Imagine that happening in crucial moments such you having an email exchange with a very important client; imagine being unable to close the deal just because you can't access your email. Although you might think that such a scenario is very unlikely to happen don't think that it won't. Email services are typically setup to never go down. But what if there was an attack from an outside source? Then the chance that the email server will go down increases from just.1% to who knows how much; these are the scenarios that you want to avoid. Businesses will always have their own competition and there is a chance that some of those competitions will be using dirty tricks to bring others down. To avoid such things it is best to have a backup plan like employing an email continuity service provider. When the primary email server goes down due to natural or man-made causes the emails will be rerouted to a different server. When this takes place the people using the email service will not even know that their main server went down. There are a lot of email continuity service providers out there and it should be of your main concern to find the right one. The ideal service provider should guarantee that they have redundant servers so that when one server crashes due to too much activity or from external attacks there are other servers that can carry the load. There are a lot of service providers out there that may boast that they have such things but to know which of them is the right one it is best to look at what other people are saying. Look at forums, review pages and testimonials from people that have used such services. Learn what they have to say and from what they are saying you should be able to discern which ones are the right ones. Now there may be moments wherein scammers are paying people to give them awesome reviews while giving their competition bad testimonials. One way to avoid such things is to look at known public forums rather than websites that are made solely for reviewing service providers. Sites like yahoo answers and publicly known forums are best places to look for the truth. In such places you will easily be able see what the truth is by just reading through the comments and arguments people are making. One of the most important things that a business needs is a reputed and trustworthy email continuity service provider because such things will guarantee that in the case of a server crash emails may still be sent and received.
Looking for a reliable email continuity service for your business? Be sure to check out our email continuity service for an affordable solution.

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